Safety critical firmware for an industrial robotic arm, including the movement controller and bootloader. Also led a company restructure so we could get to launch faster
PCB design and lab analysis, for any requirements: from low power, tiny IoT wearables to high speed AI platforms
Platform agnostic, reliable, and even safety critical. Worked with a wide range of MCUs, sensors & wireless technologies
Insights to give you peace of mind: feasibility studies, product development roadmaps and project management
Safety critical firmware for an industrial robotic arm, including the movement controller and bootloader. Also led a company restructure so we could get to launch faster
Delivered the firmware for these Bluetooth connected edtech devices and worked with the app developers to ensure a smooth integration process
Led the technical side of this wearable solution from concept to production runs in China, including PCB & firmware development, hiring, development timelines and manufacturing audits
Rapid delivery of a high-tech solution for the COVID crisis and the broader issue of cleanliness in public spaces
Created an advanced custom Jetson carrier board to enable their next generation AI powered cameras. Also redesigned their LED strips & driver to increase both power output and efficiency
Quickly produced a data logging system, using GSM and local storage fallback, to enable the successful collection of essential metrics for an upcoming pilot launch